Acute Care Speech-Language Pathology Fellowship

这个密集的奖学金计划旨在帮助你学习将教学信息应用于临床实践,与患有各种疾病的患者, in the acute care and acute rehabilitation hospital setting.

Duration: 12 months
Accreditation: ASHA accredited
Apply: Learn how to apply.
Application period: January 1, 2024 - March 1, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. EST
Program start: August
Prerequisites: Eligibility for a limited license in Maryland. 请注意,我们不能担保国际申请人的签证.
View fellowship flyer


请点击支付申请费链接,以支付补充申请费. 在收到费用并完成申请后,申请才会被处理. All fees must be paid by midnight E.S.T. on date of application deadline. All fees are non-refundable.

这个项目为我提供了参加和出席几个会议的机会, as well as write for the ASHA Leader. 急性护理治疗领导支持额外的经验和专业发展.

Kristen Martin, Class of 2018

Fellowship Features

  • 运动言语领域的临床评价与治疗经验, language, cognition, swallowing, tracheostomy management, speech generating devices and alternative communication.
  • One-on-one mentorship with experienced SLPs.
  • Didactic experience, including: surgery observations, participation in multidisciplinary rounds, monthly swallowing conference and monthly journal club meetings.
  • MBS-IMP certification.
  • Participation in scholarly activities including: case presentations, multidisciplinary education, 和研究项目,有机会在会议上展示或提交出版.
  • Participation in Johns Hopkins Research Development Program.

Fellowship Director

Nicole Frost M.A., CCC-SLP, BCS-S

Acute Care Therapy Services Team Leader
Board-certified in Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders
Speech-Language Pathologist
高级ICU SLP奖学金和急性护理SLP奖学金项目主任
[email protected]

headshot of Nicole Frost

Current Fellow

Julia Pan, CF-SLP | Class of 2024

Undergraduate school美国匹兹堡大学,获得传播科学障碍专业文学学士学位
Graduate school匹兹堡大学,语言病理学硕士
Hometown: Allentown, Pennsylvania
Professional interests: dysphagia, aphasia, cognition, trach/vent
Why I chose Johns Hopkins我之所以选择这个项目,是因为它有令人难以置信的支持性学习环境和提供的大量机会. 从在不同的服务部门轮岗到研究和其他教学经历, 我知道我将具备为推荐十大正规网赌平台辩护的技能,并成为一名在广泛的实践领域胜任的临床医生.
What I like about Baltimore我非常喜欢探索巴尔的摩的文化和历史. 我喜欢在水边散步,或者和其他居民和同事一起去新开的餐馆.

Julia Pan, SLP Fellow

Fellowship Alumni

Mary Gentile, CF-SLP | Class of 2023

Undergraduate school:凯斯西储大学,传播科学和心理学文学学士学位
Graduate school匹兹堡大学,语言病理学硕士
Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Professional interests:吞咽困难、气管/通气、失语和强化认知治疗的仪器评估
Why I chose Johns Hopkins我选择这个项目是因为我知道它会帮助我发展成为一名非常有能力的临床医生,在我的执照上,在急症护理环境中执业. My patients deserve the best care possible, 我知道,我在JH得到的指导和指导将把我塑造成一名能够提供那种标准护理的临床医生.
What I like about Baltimore我喜欢巴尔的摩那种小城市的感觉,在那里每个人都很友好,彼此友善. 与一个路过的陌生人分享一个真诚的微笑,只是为了传播快乐,这是一件令人温暖的事.

headshot of Mary Gentile

Annalise Irvine, M.S., CF-SLP | Class of 2022

Undergraduate school中佛罗里达大学,获得传播科学和障碍学学士学位
Graduate school陶森大学,语言病理学理学硕士
Hometown: Orlando, Florida
Professional interests: dysphagia, trach/vent, cognition
Why I chose Johns Hopkins我知道我想成为一个每天支持和挑战我的组织的一员, both personally and professionally.
What I like about Baltimore: Baltimore is a city with fantastic food and culture; there's always something going on! 我喜欢走出去,和其他居民和同事一起探索这个城市.

headshot of Annalise Irvine

Annamarie King, CF-SLP | Class of 2021

Undergraduate school: Indiana University, bachelor's of arts in speech and hearing sciences; Spanish
Graduate school: Purdue University, master's of science in speech-language pathology
Hometown: Fishers, Indiana
Professional interests: dysphagia, trachs and vents
Why I chose Johns Hopkins: I knew that Johns Hopkins would not only host outstanding clinical, research and didactic opportunities, but also foster a supportive learning environment. 此外,我渴望在临床学习期间继续参与研究.
What I like about Baltimore: I appreciate the diversity of the city! 我也喜欢尝试市中心的一些餐馆,并与其他临床研究员和住院医生一起在户外度过时光.

headshot of Annamarie King

Noor Zaghlula, CF-SLP | Class of 2020

Undergraduate school乔治华盛顿大学,获细胞和分子生物学学士学位
Graduate school: MGH卫生专业研究所,传播科学和疾病科学硕士学位
Hometown: Vienna, Austria
Professional interests: dysphagia, trachs and vents
Why I chose Johns Hopkins约翰霍普金斯大学是一个令人难以置信的机构,它以任何方式支持你的个人和职业发展.
What I like about Baltimore: I love the rich culture and diversity in the city.

photo coming soon

Shelby Creelman, CF-SLP | Class of 2019

Undergraduate school:马里兰大学帕克分校,听力和语言科学文学学士学位
Graduate school陶森大学,语言病理学理学硕士
Hometown: Indian Head, Maryland
Professional interests: dysphagia and trach/vent
Why I chose Johns Hopkins这是一个学习的好地方,我知道我每天都会遇到挑战.
What I like about Baltimore我喜欢几乎可以走到任何我想去的地方(尤其是那些很棒的餐馆)。!

photo of Shelby Creelman

Kristen Martin, CCC-SLP | Class of 2018

Read a Q&A with Kristen about her experience in the program.
Undergraduate school: The University of Maine, Orono; bachelor's of arts in communication sciences and disorders with a minor in disability studies
Graduate school: The University of North Carolina at Greensboro; master's of arts in speech-language pathology
Hometown: Morrill, Maine
Professional interests:转化研究,加强患者沟通选择,急性护理康复
Why I chose Johns Hopkins: In addition to all the learning opportunities, the staff at Johns Hopkins was so welcoming, kind and supportive, 我知道这将是一个促进个人和职业发展的社区.
What I like about Baltimore我喜欢在我住的地方有朋友和许多餐馆,步行就可以到达. 在一两个小时内,城市里有很多事情要做和探索. 巴尔的摩也是前往东海岸其他城市的绝佳地点. There is an airport and a train station, or you could just drive to go away for a day or for a weekend.

photo of Kristen Martin