Building A Healthy Community

For 80 years, 郊区医院仍然坚定地致力于改善我们社区的健康和福祉. Suburban Hospital supported over $36.1 million in community benefit contributions in 2023. Believing that quality health care should be accessible to all, 我们与当地社区合作,认真确定卫生优先事项,应对预防慢性病和建设安全健康社区方面日益严峻的挑战, state and national affiliations and partnerships.

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Specialty Clinics


WellWorks Community Health and Wellness Calendar

Building A Healthy Community

Every three years, 郊区医院根据医院最新的社区卫生需求评估制定了一项实施计划. 该计划由医院董事会通过,并作为解决社区卫生优先事项和改善卫生成果的路线图. 该计划从三个关键角度考虑资源将在哪些方面产生最大影响:

Healthy Equity

Reduce gaps in access to preventive services for vulnerable populations.

Access to Care


Healthy Behaviors

Promote healthy and active living.

Community Impact Reports

Meet Your Wellness Team

社区健康和福利团队致力于改善社区的健康和福祉. 与团队见面,了解他们如何帮助社区成员获得高质量的医疗保健,并支持安全和健康的社区.

Our Community Involvement Across Johns Hopkins Medicine

Contact Us

For more information, 请通过电子邮件或致电301-896-3844与社区卫生与健康部门联系.