Preceptor Bios

Residency Director — Internal Medicine Preceptor

Monique Bonhomme, Pharm.D., M.S., BCPS, is a resident of Northern Virginia.  在获得理学学士学位后,她继续获得药学博士和理学硕士学位.  Subsequently, she completed a general pharmacy practice residency.  After completion of her residency, Dr. Bonhomme仍然在Inova卫生系统中担任主要分散的临床药学角色.  As an oncology-trained pharmacist she was a member of the Oncology Task Force, 被选为介入药师,是卒中科室的药学护理联络员.  She later accepted a full-time position at the Sibley Memorial Hospital Department of Pharmacy.  She helped to implement and develop the pharmacist managed parenteral nutrition service, and currently serves as a mentor and co-chair.  Dr. Bonhomme is currently the residency program director, preceptor for the Internal Medicine Rotation, a residency project advisor and serves as a resident faculty mentor. Dr. Bonhomme还在马里兰大学药学院和克莱顿大学担任兼职教师. In addition, she has served as elected secretary, elected ASHP delegate, 并在华盛顿大都会卫生系统药剂师协会担任了四年的通讯编辑.

Drug Information Preceptor

Christopher A. Keeys, Pharm.D., BCPS, is the clinical pharmacy coordinator at Sibley Memorial Hospital Johns Hopkins Medicine.and previous served as its Residency Program Director. 他是药物信息导师和DC药物利用审查委员会/ DC医疗补助计划的主席. He is a consultant to the DC Department of Health/ HAHSTA, BCBSA FEP- Pharmacy and Medical Policy Committee, as well as URAC Pharmacy Advisory Group. He is co- Founder and President/CEO of Clinical Pharmacy Associates and MedNovations, Inc and holds adjunct faculty appointments at the Howard University College of Pharmacy, University of MD School of Pharmacy, and Creighton University. Dr. Keeys is a graduate of Howard University (BS, Pharmacy) and the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy (Doctor of Pharmacy). He actively lectures and publishes in the areas of pharmacotherapy, pharmacy practice, pharmacy leadership, clinical quality improvement and telepharmacy. 

Research Preceptor

John Grouse, R.Ph., J.D., is a graduate of the University of Minnesota in law and pharmacy. 他在罗切斯特的梅奥诊所完成了公共和卫生服务的住院医师和实习, Minn. He practiced pharmacy in a variety of settings. He has been a pharmacy director and research and oncology specialist.

Critical Care Preceptor

Michelle McLauglin, R.Ph., BCPS 在西布里担任重症监护临床药剂师专家超过15年.  她于1995年获得Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science的药学学士学位,并于2010年成为董事会认证的药物治疗专家.  她还通过ASHP完成了重症监护和疼痛与姑息治疗的专业认证项目.  在她目前的职位上,她在许多重症监护和全院政策的实施和发展方面发挥了重要作用, protocols, and order sets.  她帮助实施和发展了药剂师管理华法林协议以及药剂师管理肠外营养协议, and currently serves as mentor and co-lead in both of these programs.  She serves on several hospital committees including ICU, Code Blue, Palliative Care, Anticoagulation, and Parenteral Nutrition Committees.  Additionally, 她是一名临终关怀和姑息治疗顾问,在那里她建立了几个疼痛和症状管理协议,并协助患者的个人管理.  在她的空闲时间,米歇尔喜欢旅游,骑自行车和花时间与她的家人和两只狗.   

Geriatrics Preceptor

Shahnaz Milani, Pharm.D., a native of Tehran, Iran, is a clinical pharmacy specialist who has served the patients, families and departments of Sibley Memorial Hospital for more than 20 years. Dr. Milani has two doctor of pharmacy degrees, 一名来自德黑兰大学,另一名来自巴尔的摩的马里兰大学药学院. Dr. Milani is certified in geriatric and anticoagulation therapy. Since 1989, she has provided pharmaceutical care in a variety of Sibley venues, including, most recently, as the clinical specialist for the Renaissance unit, which houses the Center for Rehabilitation Medicine. Dr. 米拉尼是弗吉尼亚联邦大学药学院的临床副教授. She precepts the geriatric rotation, 是医院抗凝项目的导师(她共同领导的临床项目建立了药剂师管理的华法林治疗),也是抗凝论坛的成员.

Emergency Department Preceptor

Benjamin Miles, Pharm.D., BCPS, an Atlanta native, joined Sibley Memorial Hospital’s clinical pharmacy staff after he relocated to Washington, D.C., in 2009. He received a bachelor of science in microbiology and biology in 2003, followed by a doctor of pharmacy in 2007, both from the University of Georgia in Athens, Ga. He completed a PGY-1 residency at Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor, Maine, 在2008年,他还在住院医师实习期后的一年里担任分散的员工药剂师. Dr. 迈尔斯曾担任西布里药房住院医师的住院医师顾问和住院医师研究顾问. 他是弗吉尼亚联邦大学药学院的临床副教授,并指导IPPE和APPE医院轮岗. In addition, he is board certified in pharmacotherapy. His interests are in emergency medicine, critical care and internal medicine, and he is the Emergency Department clinical specialist.

Oncology Preceptor

Vahiede Nabavian, Pharm.D., received two bachelor of science degrees, one in chemistry and the other in pharmacy from Howard University in Washington, D.C., during the mid-1980s. 为了进一步深造,她回到霍华德大学并于2005年获得药学博士学位. 自2000年以来,她一直是Sibley家族的一员,并在各种实践环境(包括重症监护)中拥有丰富的临床经验, oncology and sterile preparation. Dr. Nabavian在当地和全国范围内就静脉注射免疫球蛋白和促红细胞生成剂等主题进行了介绍. 继续学习和分享她的临床知识是Vahiede在西布里临床药学职位上真正喜欢的两件事. Dr. Nabavian is passionate about providing service that leads to optimal outcomes. Her future goals include obtaining the distinction of board-certified oncology pharmacist.

Hematology/Oncology Preceptor

Esther R. Ahn, Pharm.D., BCOP, graduated from University of the Pacific Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy in 2007. 她在旧金山的加州太平洋医疗中心完成了PGY1药房实习, CA and went on to work as an ambulatory care pharmacist within Kaiser Permanente.  After working for approximately 3 years as an ambulatory care pharmacist, Dr. Ahn发现了她对肿瘤学的热情,并于2012年在美国国家癌症研究所指定的癌症中心加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥健康系统完成了血液学/肿瘤学的PGY2.  Upon completion of her PGY2 hematology/oncology residency, Dr. Ahn作为临床肿瘤学药剂师承担了临床和行政工作,并帮助建立和实施了两个新收购的输液中心的药房服务.  In her current role at Sibley Memorial Hospital, Dr. Ahn是新成立的血液恶性肿瘤服务的临床工作人员药剂师专家.   她是西布里肿瘤学实践委员会的联合主席,也是西布里2019财年住院化疗质量项目之一的项目负责人. 

Management/Administrative Preceptor

JoAnn Neufer, B.S., R.Ph., is the director of pharmacy at Sibley Memorial Hospital. She is a licensed pharmacist in Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C. 她在马里兰大学药学院获得了药学学士学位. 她于1980年在约翰霍普金斯医院开始了她的职业生涯,并在接下来的几年里大部分时间都在医院药房实习.C. metropolitan area with focus on quality improvement, IV admixture services and patient safety. 1990年,她扩大了自己的职业重点,成为Tokos临床服务公司产科药房的临床药剂师, a national provider of home care services for high-risk obstetrical patients. In that role she provided pharmaceutical care to patients in preterm labor, as well as patients suffering from hyperemesis, hypercoagulation complications of pregnancy and pre- and postnatal infections. During her years in home care, 她的角色扩大到包括领导重点,因为她被赋予了监督所有药房服务提供了美国东北季度的责任, including successful Joint Commission accreditation of all sites in her region. She returned to hospital pharmacy in 1997, in a hospital leadership role at Inova Loudoun Hospital, 直到2010年11月进入西布里纪念医院,她一直担任药房主任.