PGY2 Thrombosis and Hemostasis Management Program


PGY2 pharmacy residency programs build on Doctor of 药店 (Pharm.D.)教育和PGY1药房住院医师计划,为临床药剂师在专业实践领域的发展做出贡献. PGY2住院医师通过概念化和整合积累的经验和知识,并将两者结合到提供患者护理或其他高级实践环境中,为住院医师提供独立工作的机会. 成功完成认证PGY2药房住院医师的居民为高级患者护理做好了准备, 学术, 或其他专业职位, 以及董事会认证, 如果可用.


约翰霍普金斯医院PGY-2血栓和止血住院医师是12个月的培训和经验. 该住院医师目前处于ASHP的候选状态,计划在第一位住院医师毕业后继续获得认证. 该计划提供了灵活性,以满足个人居民的兴趣和需求,同时确保实现高质量血栓和止血药学实践的基本技能. 这个住院医师为许多患者提供血栓和止血方面的经验,并努力培养这一领域的专家. 住院医师将强调住院医师的利益,同时实现由ASHP制定的PGY2血栓和止血住院医师的目标. 另外, 约翰霍普金斯医院是抗凝论坛TRAIN在2023-2024年和2024-2025年为PGY2血栓和止血住院医生提供的四家接受资助的医院之一. 作为TRAIN补助金的一部分, 住院医师和住院医师计划主任必须参加每月与其他TRAIN补助地点的主题讨论.



需求 for Acceptance to the Program

合格的候选人必须拥有ACPE认可的药学院的药学博士学位. Prior to the beginning of a PGY2 residency, PGY2住院医师需要成功完成ashp认证的PGY1药房住院医师计划.

Licensure and Certification 需求

All residents are required to obtain a Maryland State 药店 License by August 1st.

The resident will arrive at the program already ACLS certified, or will complete certification during the residency year.


药房住院医师培训经验提供了一个全面和协调的培训计划,旨在为新住院医师提供对政策的理解, 程序, and expectations for the pharmacy residency experience. 在方向, residents will participate in 医院, 部门, 划分方向, and will be exposed to 部门 policies and resources.

约翰霍普金斯医院的所有新药剂师都需要接受医院和药房的培训. 住院医师应在整个入职培训期间与药学部门的成员进行互动,并参加指定的入职培训课程.

Prior to the start of the residency program, 居民将得到一个完整的, 详细的迎新路线.




  • 培训(1个日历月)
    • Includes completion of the ASHP Anticoagulation Certificate Program
  • Adult Benign Hematology I (1 calendar month)
  • Adult Hemostatic and Antithrombotic Stewardship I (1 calendar month)
  • Adult Benign Hematology and Hemostatic/Antithrombotic Stewardship I (1 calendar month)
  • Adult Benign Hematology and Hemostatic/Antithrombotic Stewardship II (1 calendar month)
  • Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CCU) I (1 calendar month)
  • Cardiovascular Surgical Intensive Care Unit (CVSICU) I (1 calendar month)
  • General Cardiology I (1 calendar month)
  • Neurosciences Critical Care Unit (NCCU) I (1 calendar month)
  • Precepting (assigned during a learning experience with co-precepting opportunities)
  • 研究 (longitudinal, August – June; includes dedicated month for research activities in December)
  • Clinical Laboratory Science (longitudinal, August-June)
  • 抗血栓和止血药物成人用药安全事件回顾(纵向,8 - 6月)
  • JHH Ambulatory Anticoagulation Management (longitudinal 11 months, includes warfarin clinic 1/2 day every other week August-January, remote INR monitoring for LVAD patient, and perioperative bridging consults August-June)
  • JHBMC Ambulatory Anticoagulation Management (longitudinal 5 months, 1/2 day every other week)
    • This learning experience occurs off-site at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, which is located approximately 3 miles from The Johns Hopkins Hospital
  • Adult Hemophilia Clinic (longitudinal 9 months, half-day first Tuesday afternoon of the month)


  • Adult Benign Hematology II (1 calendar month)
  • Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CCU) II (1 calendar month)
  • 其他选修学习经验可以根据住院医师的兴趣和导师的可用性来发展.


  • Longitudinal learning experience from August – June
  • 药物治疗轮
    • All residents are required to provide a 30-minute presentation that is APCE accredited.
    • 请参阅“学习的机会” section of the 药学系, 约翰霍普金斯医学院 website.
  • 杂志俱乐部和/或主题讨论
    • Monthly topic discussions with four other Anticoagulation Forum TRAIN Grant sites
    • Lead biweekly Thrombosis and Hemostasis Management topic discussions
    • 参与其他项目的主题讨论和适当的学习经验(e).g. 心脏病学,重症监护)
  • 教学要求
    • Each Hopkins resident is required to provide continuing education sessions
    • PGY2血栓和止血住院医师需要提供一个1小时的部门继续教育报告,该报告是ACPE认证的(除了药物治疗轮次)。
    • A Teaching and Learning Certificate Program is available as an optional learning experience
    • 请参阅“学习的机会” section of the 药学系, 约翰霍普金斯医学院 website.


This is a longitudinal learning experience spanning from August – June. The resident is required to complete a research or quality improvement project. 范围, 级, 项目类型将根据个人兴趣而异,但必须以适合展示和出版的方式完成.

请参阅“项目” section of the 药学系, 约翰霍普金斯医学院 website.

Hemostatic and Antithrombotic Stewardship Leadership

The resident will be assigned to 部门al, 医院, or health-system committee(s) as a longitudinal learning experience from August – June. 住院医师被要求担任抗凝指导委员会(多学科)秘书, multi-site committee) and Anticoagulation Steering Patient Safety Event Review Subcommittee. PGY2血栓和止血住院医师也需要作为抗凝药委员会和止血和抗血栓管理委员会的积极成员.

作为处方管理过程的一部分,住院医师需要完成药物类别审查或处方管理项目. 这可以通过评估治疗优点来协助确定配方的添加/删除来实现, 安全, 冗余, and the estimated cost impact on the JHHS.


Each resident will practice as a pharmacist in a designated area throughout the residency year. This is a longitudinal learning experience spanning from August – June.

请参阅“人力资源需求” section of the 药学系, 约翰霍普金斯医学院


The resident will participate in clinical on-call services. This is a longitudinal learning experience spanning from August – June. 随叫随到的职责包括代码响应, 药物信息问题回答, 药代动力学评估, 行政协助, 以及其他职责. On-call hours are from 4 PM to 10 PM on weekdays and 8 AM to 8 PM on weekends and holidays. 随叫随到的频率取决于整个项目中住院医生的数量,平均每年约有18个班次.

请参阅“随时待命计划” section of the 药学系, 约翰霍普金斯医学院 website. 


院系将支持住客参加一次专业会议(费用和请假时间). 任何由部门支持的额外差旅将根据具体情况进行评估.

请参阅“会议及会议” section of the 药学系, 约翰霍普金斯医学院 website.


请参阅“好处” section of the 药学系, 约翰霍普金斯医学院 website.


Katie Dane,药学博士,BCPS
Clinical 药店 Specialist, Benign Hematology and Cardiology
Co-Director, Hemostatic and Antithrombotic Stewardship Program
电话: 410-502-6769
电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)


Katie Dane,药学博士,BCPS
Clinical 药店 Specialist, Benign Hematology/Antithrombotic Stewardship and Cardiac Care Unit

斯蒂芬妮戴维斯,药学博士,BCCCP, CNSC

Adult Medication Safety Officer, 药学系

Salia Farrokh,药学博士,BCCCP, FNCS
Clinical 药店 Specialist, Neurocritical Care

Aklil Hiruy,药学博士,BCPS
Clinical 药店 Specialist, General Cardiology

John Lindsley, PharmD, BCCCP, BCCP, AACC
Clinical 药店 Specialist, Cardiac Care Unit and Benign Hematology/Antithrombotic Stewardship

Clinical 药店 Specialist, JHH Ambulatory Anticoagulation

Clinical 药店 Specialist, JHBMC Ambulatory Anticoagulation